Beaker, Borosilicate, Low Form$62.95
Borosilicate glass thermometer inlet adapter with screwthread joint supplied complete with a compression cap and silicon o-ring.Inner joint size 14/20.
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Vigreux Column$37.95
Beaker, Borosilicate, Low Form$44.95
Thermometer Vacuum Inlet Adapter$20.95
Inlet Adapter, Thermometer, Rubber Fitting$16.95
Septum Stopper, Serrations, Natural Color$7.95
Septum Stopper, Serrations, Natural Color$12.95
3 Neck Round Bottom Flasks, Angled, Heavy Wall, Low Capacity$22.95
Dimroth Reflux Condenser, Coil Type, 75 Degree$63.95
Flat Bottom Flasks, Heavy Wall$12.95