Beaker, Borosilicate, Low Form$62.95
With standard taper inner joints at a 75 degrees angle to one another.Inner joints size 14/20.
all products in this category.
3-Way Distillation Connecting Adapter$22.95
Tubing Inlet Adapter, Outer Joint, 90 Degrees$10.95
Reflux Condenser, Coil Type$59.95
Squibb Separatory Funnel, PTFE Stopcock and Ground Joint$41.95
Spatula, Stainless Steel, Two Spoon$5.95
Keck Clips, Ground Joint, PP$17.95
Hollow Glass Pennyhead Stoppers$6.95
Drying Tube with Bulb, 75 degrees$13.95
Flow Control Adapter, Stopcock, Inlet 90 degrees, Inner Joint$29.95