Beaker, Borosilicate, Low Form$70.95
Borosilicate glass connecting adapter with standard taper outer ground joints at top and side, and inner joint at bottom. Sidearm is at a 105 degree angle from the main tube.Outer joints size: 24/40. Inner joint size: 24/40.
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Hollow Glass Stoppers, Hexagonal Head$13.95
Enlarging Connecting Adapter$16.95
Zinc Alloy Three Prong Retort Clamps$17.95
Bosshead Clamp Holder, Aluminum$8.95
Enlarging Connecting Adapter$24.95
Evaporating Flasks, Single Neck$12.95
Liebig Condenser$39.95
Rotary Evaporator Bump Trap, Anti-Climb$54.95
Round Bottom Flasks, Heavy Wall$14.95