Beaker, Borosilicate, Low Form$44.95
Schlenk tube with outer standard ground joint and PTFE stopcock with interchangeable PTFE plug. Pressure lab glass.Capacity 50mL. Outer joint size 14/20.
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Soxhlet Extraction Apparatus, RBF$149.95
Kjeldahl Shaped Schlenk Flask, Sidearm Stopcock$52.95
Bosshead Clamp Holder, Aluminum Alloy$11.95
Retort Rings with Bosshead$29.95
Stirring Bar, Magnetic, PTFE$9.95
Stirring Bar, Magnetic, Egg-Shaped, PTFE$38.95
Clamps, Three Prongs, Two Angled, One Straight$13.95
Two Prong Extension Clamps, Plastic Plating$15.95
Stirring Bar, Magnetic, PTFE$14.95