Bubblers, Mineral Oil$23.95
With standard taper outer joint at the top, and inner joints on the bottom and sidearm, all being of the same size. Inner joints are at a 75 degree angle to one another.Joints size 14/20.From Factory - Est. Availability: Unknown at this time.Please, contact us to place a backorder. Thank you.
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Enlarging Connecting Adapter$15.95
Reducing Connecting Adapter$15.95
Pear Shape Flasks, Heavy Wall$11.95
Vigreux Column$36.95
Quadruple Receiver Adapter$74.95
Squibb Separatory Funnel, PTFE Stopcock and Ground Joint$41.95
Spatula, Stainless Steel, Two Spoon$5.95
Hollow Glass Pennyhead Stoppers$6.95
Flow Control Adapter, Stopcock, Inlet 90 degrees, Inner Joint$29.95