Beaker, Borosilicate, Low Form$70.95
Evaporating flask for use with rotary evaporators. Evaporative flasks have a HEAVY WALL for vacuum applications and are balanced to prevent run-out during rotation.Capacity 25ml. Joint Size 24/40.
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Round Bottom Flasks, Heavy Wall, Spherical Socket Joint$17.95
Pinch Clamps, Ball Joint$15.95
Keck Clip, Nickel-Plated Steel$5.95
Rotary Evaporator Bump Trap$52.95
Chromatography Column, Taper Joint, PTFE stopcock$52.95
Vigreux Column$40.95
Double Oblique Bore Stopcock, PTFE Plug$49.95
Beaker Brushes$3.95
Powder funnel$36.95