Beaker, Borosilicate, Low Form$30.95
Flow control adapter with a PTFE metering stopcock placed between the outer and lower inner standard taper joints, which allows for axial flow rate adjustment of gases and liquids. Flow controllers PTFE plug have a bore of 2mm.Joints size 14/20.
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Erlenmeyer Flasks, Ground Joint$11.95
Solid Glass Pennyhead Stoppers$8.95
Keck Clips, Ground Joint, PP$17.95
Septum Stopper, Serrations, Natural Color$12.95
Septum Stopper, Serrations, Natural Color$7.95
Schlenk Tube, Outer Joint, PTFE Stopcock$55.95
Kjeldahl Shaped Schlenk Flask, Sidearm Stopcock$69.95
Reducing Connecting Adapter$16.95
Steam Distillation Adapter$23.95